27 November 2010

The letter of the law

So, we were headed out to dinner on the day after Thanksgiving.
Right before we left the house to walk to the restaurant which is only about 6 blocks away, my husband realized that our youngest didn't want to wear a jacket, just his sweater... But, the kid was wearing cotton shorts and a t-shirt and it's winter.  It wasn't a freezing winter day, but it wasn't warm by any means and it was getting dark.  So, hubby insisted that L wear his winter jacket.  It's not one of those huge puffy ones, so it wasn't such a burden.  L was about to put up a fight, but I looked at him and said, "Please, do it for your papa."
So, he took the jacket. 
As we walked to the restaurant, we separated when H and I crossed the street ahead of the rest - We walked in two groups for a little while.  L with his big brother and Jen on one side of the street, and mom (me) and dad on the other. 
That was when I noticed that, even though everyone else in the world was wearing a coat and long pants, L was CARRYING his jacket...  Yep, he was out in t-shirt and shorts. 

1 comment:

  1. Are we thinking of using the adjective 'stubborn?'
    Tia Jan
