29 June 2013

scam or virus alert?

So, I got this weird e-mail...

   It has been drawn to our attention that one of your computers is at risk from a virus attack. Please
   remove all your personal data from all of your home computers and mobile devices.
   Also visit this url to rectify security problems
     -The Gmail Team

And it was "via" my OWN e-mail address.
I didn't even open it because I could read the first few words that g-mail shows you before you open it. Instead I had H come upstairs to see this weird message... H decided to alert g-mail that this virus alert (from myself) was spam... Except that he accidentally alerted g-mail that a different message in my in-box was spam.  I could tell that he had done it wrong, but he wouldn't let me sit at my own computer to see.  I was asking him, "Did you check the box by that virus alert?"  And he was saying that he had, but I was pretty sure that he hadn't.     Ha ha - You can just imagine the scene as us old-folks freak out about this new type of scam.
Then L comes up the stairs saying, "You got a spam message from yourself??  The only time I've seen that happen is when somebody leaves their e-mail open on sombebody else's computer!" 
Ha ha.  I'm not that slow.  I got the joke right away.  Well done...  We went for it - hook, line and sinker.  (Always log out of your e-mail).  But, seriously, L does not know how many times I have resisted the temptation on his e-mail.  Oh, I did once use his facebook to view all of his brother's posts and I left a message which made reference to my "secret identity" which L did not find at all funny.  I had to swear never to do that again.** 

And once I did add a very loving description of myself to a paper that L asked me to proofread for him.  I found it so hilarious that, as usual, I couldn't stop laughing.  It makes it hard to really do any practical jokes. 

** On my honor as a mother, I have always resisted the temptation to peruse L's  facebook when he leaves it open.  The most I have ever done is see the most recent messages (the ones he has left on the screen when he leaves the house with the page still open). 


  1. That L! Hook, line, and sinker indeed! ;)

  2. Actually P read this post and when we talked last he told me that it really was possible for someone to send SPAM using the account NAME of somebody else. So... I'm still lost
