18 March 2012

you know you're sleep deprived when. . .

You shower before bed and when you have to wake up, your hair's still wet. 

... the rest are too embarrassing.
... I've forgotten any that aren't too embarrassing because of sleep deprivation
... zzzzzzz  I need to get more sleep. 

I've been so desperate, I've even gotten mad enough to finally force people at home to help more.  But, it's not enough.  I have to work more efficiently.  (Seriously, the sleep deprivation contributes to working less efficiently and illogical time allocation - then, I stay up late to "get caught up", but I never do).

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mo, if I were your neighbor then I'd come over to help ... seriously. Feeling a little sleep deprived myself and that with a full night's sleep too. lol.
