30 June 2014

rrrring rrrring: missed the call but learns the lesson.

So, today L. was reluctantly working on a job application. 
L: “What’s the telephone number of that phone I carry around?”
M: “Where is it?”
L: opening a drawer in the desk, “It’s not here.”
M: “Where is it?”
L: “I have it.” (gesturing vaguely toward his room)
M:  “Let me just call it.  If you are going to use that number in your job applications, let’s make sure that you have it on you and it’s charged.”

phone: rrrring ring ring
L. follows the sound and finds the phone in a bag he had used that was sitting in the basement. He comes upstairs, opens the phone and makes a phone call.

L:  “Hello.  I got a call two days ago, and I’m sorry, my phone was off.” 

He had gotten a call from somebody at a music store in response to an on-line application he had put in.  Because he hadn’t bothered to carry the phone or check it, he didn't know he was missing out on a job that would have been good for him. Sigh…

So, I resisted the urge to rub it in or lecture, except that I said, “Thank you.”  The kid should be grateful; I’m doing everything I can to help him avoid spending the summer working with me.  

21 June 2014

Her Hair Movie

H. told me that he had gotten the movie "Hair"  on Netflix, and I was intrigued.  I had never seen it.  It's not the type of movie my husband would ever watch, so I assumed that he got it either because he'd just read some sort of retrospective review or because he thought our son (L.) wanted to see it.

So,  I invited L. to watch "Hair" also.  We had this whole conversation about "Hair," (mainly in Spanish).  So, it's really funny that when H. put the movie on, it was "Her", that new movie about a guy who falls in love with his operating system.  (I had told H. I wanted to watch it).

Ha ha.  I liked "Her"  and L. actually said it was the best romantic comedy he'd seen.  (So, thumbs up from us). 

Since I now had Hair stuck in my head, and taking advantage of how distracted H. has been by the world cup, I snuck "Hair" (1979) onto our netflix queue and, over the past couple of days, I watched it.  H usually controls the queue as though it were a matter of life and death. 

PS  mixed feelings about "Hair": it's over two hours and has way too much unnecessary filler material (random songs).  But... I have to say that I don't regret watching it, even if I did watch part of it on 1.4 speed --I lost patience with it for awhile.