09 September 2010

nuke your brain

About a month ago I went to a movie with L and a friend.  Before the film there was a preview of a movie about a girl who pretends to have sex with high school boys who need help to fit in.  We got to see this preview two days in a row because we were at the movie theater two days in a row (no, not normal for us either).
I mention that last fact because it helps explain why L was prepared to respond so succinctly to this preview. 
In one scene the girl and her mother are having a heart-to-heart.  The mother says she also had a bad reputation in high school. 
Daughter asks, "Why?"
Mom replies that she "slept with a lot of people, mostly guys." 
Daughter, "Mo-om!" She sounds a bit shocked, but it's not really the right response...
So, I felt a bit nauseous after seeing this "funny" scene the first day.  But I guess I wasn't the only one; the second day, L said in a loud voice to his friend, "If my mom said that to me, I'd nuke my brain."  He actually got a laugh from someone behind us in the theater.  

1 comment:

  1. hehe ... yup, he's getting ready to be a stand-up ... prepping his material :)
